Ithilnor Island: Home of the Frost Elves


House of the Rising Sun
Staff member
Lifetime Member
  • Elvish Island Name: Ithilnor
    A mystical name reflecting ancient Elven heritage, where "Ithil" means "moon" and "nor" means "land" in Elvish. The name embodies the magical aura and beauty of this frozen realm.
  • Frozen Lake: Eldalindë Lake
    "Eldalindë" translates to "Elven Song" in ancient Elvish, symbolizing the harmony between the Snow Elves and the serene, icy beauty of this lake.
  • Main Capital near the Lake: Tirion Aranath
    A grand name meaning "Watchtower of the Snow Lords." This majestic elven city, with its towering structures of ice and stone, stands proudly by Eldalindë Lake, overlooking the frozen expanse.
  • Port City: Núrelion
    This bustling port serves as the gateway to Ithilnor, remaining active even in the harshest winters due to the Snow Elves' expertise in cold-weather sailing. The name "Núrë" translates to "flame" or "sunset," symbolizing the warmth the elves bring to their icy shores.
  • Winter Tree of Life: Celebionar
    A massive tree revered as a sacred symbol of life in this harsh region. Its name, meaning "Silver Eternal," reflects its shimmering, silver leaves that never fall, even in the depths of winter. Deep roots connect it to the heart of the earth, granting it eternal vitality.
  • Mysterious Plateau in the Northeast: Hithrim Nárien
    Shrouded in perpetual snowstorms, this plateau is steeped in ancient magic. "Hithrim" means "misty," and "Nárien" means "secret," referencing its enigmatic nature. Rarely visited by the Snow Elves, it is said to hide a long-lost artifact deep within its snowy cliffs.
