Artenen enters the spirit world. It's your typical clouds and spirits and light. Artenen notices beings all around him but they are like shadows, he stops moving in the cloud and the being, which he can't make out clearly gather around him. A voice from above says "do you believe in the light? Surely, you know how to use the light, but do you give yourself freely to it?". Artenen gives pause then says "Why is there so much dark, lies, and deceit against the light? Why have you not called those like me to remove the dark and suffering?" Now, Artenen is thinking it was a bad move to answer a question with a question when one is at the gates of the spirit world...
For what felt like forever, the being above, nor the shadows around him spoke or moved. Suddenly, the light spoke "You Are Not Worthy" and then Artenen began falling from the sky back to his dead body. On the way down, he felt pain, remorse, sadness once more and Artenen knew he had spoken the wrong words to the light. As he fell, he looked around across the world and images flashed of decay, evil powers, children's deaths, political corruption, senseless wars, greed, gluttony, and weak mindedness. The horrible feeling he can't stop was a hell of the mind for what felt like hours of decent.
Finally, he saw the shipwreck and his dead corpse laying among the ruins, his body being pecked by the birds and rot had already set in, his flesh was already bloated and peeling, he knew there was no going back to that body. As his spirit sat beside this corpse, a dark figure came out of the water, laughing with delight.
"You See Artenen, all is lost. You can't change the world or the evil seeded deep within all beings." Said the dark creature, hooded to conceal it's identity.
Artenen sat there, lost... truly lost for the first time ever.